Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Fresh sex scandal ‘revelations’ dog COZA pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo

ESE WALTERPopular and controversial Blogger and social media influencer, Japhet Omojuwa has thrown his hat into the ring for battle against the allegedly “randy” and “cocky” senior pastor of The Commonwealth of Zion Assembly (COZA). In a recent article: “It’s Time COZA Pastor, Biodun Answers These Questions – Church Member Japheth Omojuwa, where he lampooned the silence of the pastor over the sex scandal allegations by Ese Walters and other ladies.

His article reveals that money (=N=500,000.00 – half a million Naira) attempted changing hands between pastor Fatoyinbo and Ms Walter in a desperate attempt by the pastor to buy her silence. This and other new revelations yet to be known to the public are what Omojuwa says:

Did he do what Ese Walter accused him of doing? When she came back to Nigeria and asked that he needed to step away from the pulpit, did he meet up with her, even tried to kiss her again and later called her to say he forgot something in her car after he left? Did the thing he forgot turn out to be N500,000 cash! Was this part of his personal earnings in church or was it part of the church’s income? Did they meet at another hotel – not in England – where he tried to pay for his own accommodation and had his cash refused because the hotel wouldn’t take cash so Ese had to pay with her card? Does he use an aphrodisiac perfume? Is that for the fun of it or for some kind of fun? Did he insist Ese Walter stay back in London after she came back to Nigeria defying his earlier demand? Ese Walter might have held back many details in her blog because no one gets to write it all on matters like that, but will the real man please stand up and say something? Oh, and our ultra-super-religious-and-spiritual-we-are-all-clean society has crucified Ese Walter, making sure others like her never dare come out to cast other pastors again. And trust me, there are other named ones. You see, we think we are a free people but we are not.
The sexual drama refuses to die a natural death after three weeks of silence from the Pastor. In what promises to be a re-opening of the sexual scandal wound, the article of Omojuwa is sure bound to reveberate and re-ignite another social media war in which COZA’s internet savvy members are no novices.

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